Monday, February 24, 2014

Rocks and Soil Lab!

I'm just copying this list over from last time, hoping everyone can come, let me know if something has changed!

Don't let the # of people below fool you, we're always running a little short, let me know if you can come!

Friday Feb 28, 2014

Meghan Goodman 8:15
Station 1. Jack _____
Station 2. Amanda______
Station 3. _Morton__ 

Kelly Johnson 8:15
Station 1. Pilar____
Station 2. Mandy
Station 3._Vivian (Logan)____ 

Cheryl Kennedy 9:15
Station 1. Morton (Ross)______
Station 2. _Mandy
Station 3.
Melissa ________ 

Emily Duerringer  9:15
Station 1. _Amanda & Jack ___
Station 2._Shannon & Jason_____
Station 3._Teresa (Sophia)_____
Teresa Welch - 10:15-11:15

Station 1.  Kelly B. & Anneliese
Station 2._Emily -_____
Station 3._ Jennifer (?)___